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Urgent! Show Your Support for HB 1589 -- Insurance Contract Fairness

1 Feb 2025 10:51 PM | Robbin Blake (Administrator)

Thank you to everyone who showed their support for HB 1589 by signing in and showing your "pro" support. The "call-to-action" in this blog posting is now expired.  We will keep you posted with future blogs about this bill.

Calling all LMTs: Sign in today to support House Bill (HB) 1589, Deadline: 2/4/25 12:30pm

The Washington State Massage Therapy Association (WSMTA) strongly supports House Bill (HB) 1589 and encourages all LMTs to do the same.  This bill gives healthcare providers greater opportunity to review and negotiate their health insurance provider contracts -- as independent providers, massage therapists are currently forced into “take-it-or-leave-it” contracts without negotiation.

What does HB 1589 do for LMTs and other healthcare providers?

HB 1589 preserves clients’ access to care by requiring insurance companies to engage in good faith negotiations with independent health care providers. “Good faith” means the insurer must:

  • Offer a meaningful opportunity to negotiate the terms of the contract
  • Provide a contact person for negotiations
  • Indicate how the contract is different from the previous contract
  • Share an easily accessible proposed fee schedule prior to contracting

HB 1589 also prohibits:

  • Requiring providers to take discounts that are not part of the original contract
  • Take-it-or-leave-it clauses

What can you do to support HB 1589?

We need every Washington LMT to support this bill by going to HB 1589's webpage and indicating your support for it.  On February 4, this bill will have a public hearing in the House's Healthcare and Wellness Committee at 1:30pm (time is subject to change).

There is a coalition of 20 healthcare professions including massage therapy, chiropractic, physical therapy, speech therapy and more who have been advocating for this bill.  Now, we need every LMT to support this bill.  

How do you show support for HB 1589?

  • We encourage everyone to indicate a "pro" position to support the bill.
  • Go to the Washington State Legislature's website by clicking on this link:  HB 1589 webpage
  • On the right-hand side of the page is a green box that says, I would like to testify/submit written testimony, click on it.
  • When the next page pops up, scroll down and click the button for "HB 1589 Health carriers & contractors" and pick either:
  1. I would like my position noted for the legislative record
  2. I would like to submit written testimony: We do encourage everyone who is, or who has been, a health insurance provider to provide written testimony and provide your story about your personal experience with health insurance contracts.

We encourage you to please choose not to testify in person or remotely.  The coalition has organized and coordinated this effort. 

  • We encourage every LMT in Washington to sign in immediately and make your position known to the legislators. The more who sign in to support the bill, the more attention the bill will receive.  All written testimony and bill support must be made by 1 hour prior to the public hearing to be counted.
  • If you need more support to figure out how to sign in, please click on the following link to see a PDF showing step-by-step directions including what each page looks like, click HERE.
  • You can read the bill language by clicking HERE to open a PDF.

Please support HB 1589 to protect client access to necessary and cost-effective Massage Therapy care!  Thank you.

The WSMTA Government Relations team Is dedicated to updating and keeping you informed on issues related to legislation and regulation that impact Washington massage therapists. WSMTA advocates for massage therapy to be a recognized and respected healthcare profession.  We work to protect LMTs' rights, promote fair laws and regulations, and ensure the industry’s growth and integrity.

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